How To Use Rosemary For Rabbits Medicinaly

I am not a woo-woo person but I will recognize when natural medicine works. I love rosemary for rabbits because it will do wonders with gut issues. I want to show you how to use rosemary for rabbits medicinally to help you learn to heal your rabbits on your own.

Rosemary is an herb that I highly recommend you have on hand if at all possible. It is not an expensive herb and is massively helpful in emergencies. If I had to choose only two I could have it would be lavender and Rosemary.

Some of my favorite times to use rosemary is when the rabbit seems a little bloated or needs to be encouraged to eat. Basically, a scenario where an antibiotic is not needed.

rosemary for rabbits intro image

What Rosemary Can Do

  • Tonic – A tonic is a substance that is believed to invigorate and strengthen the body or a particular organ or system. Tonic substances are often used to improve overall health and vitality and may be used to improve digestion, increase energy, and promote a sense of well-being.
  • Antidepressant – An antidepressant is used to treat depression and other mood disorders. Which can help to improve mood and reduce feelings of sadness, anxiety, and hopelessness.
  • Stimulant – A stimulant is a substance that increases activity or arousal in the body and cause increased heart rate and blood pressure. Which
  • Analgesic – An analgesic is a substance that is used to relieve pain. These substances may work by blocking pain signals in the nervous system, reducing inflammation, or changing the way that the brain perceives pain.
  • Expels intestinal gas – A substance that is believed to promote the expulsion of intestinal gas may be referred to as a carminative. These substances can help to relieve bloating, gas, and discomfort in the digestive system, and may work by relaxing the muscles of the digestive tract and promoting the release of trapped gas.
  • Antispasmodic – An antispasmodic is a substance that is used to relieve muscle spasms and cramps. These substances may work by relaxing the muscles directly, or by blocking the signals that cause the muscles to contract.
  • Promotes menstrual discharge – A substance that is believed to promote menstrual discharge may be referred to as an emmenagogue. 
  • Astringent – An astringent is a substance that has a tightening or drying effect on the tissues of the body. Astringents may be used to treat skin conditions such as acne or oily skin, and may also be used to reduce bleeding and inflammation in the mouth and gums.
  • Antioxidant – An antioxidant is a substance that helps to protect the body from damage caused by free radicals, which are unstable molecules that can cause cell damage and contribute to the development of chronic diseases such as cancer, heart disease, and Alzheimer’s disease.
  • Antimicrobial – An antimicrobial is a substance that is used to kill or inhibit the growth of microorganisms, such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, or parasites. 
  • Insect Repellent – Can be used to repel fleas, mosquitos, and other external parasites.

How To Use Rosemary

I can not say enough in favor of this herb. It is extremely useful in animals that are prone to nervousness, excitability (in the sense of fear, in a happy way), and irritability.

Give rosemary to animals that are recovering from a fearful, traumatic experience or shock. It also does wonders for animals who are prone to bloat. If livestock such as rabbits, goats, and sheep are going to a new home it is definitely worth feeding rosemary for a few days before the animal goes to its new home.

If my younger rabbits’ belly feels a little big or too firm I will give them a sprig if I have it fresh. Adding dried rosemary to the top of their feed the day they will be leaving to go to their new home because travel can be hard on them and it will help with the adjustment. 

My Must Have Rabbitry Supplies

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How Much To Feed Your Rabbits

If your rabbit is sick and needs help this is the amount I would recommend feeding the animal. 

  • Herbivores can be given 1 tablespoon of dried herb for every 5 pounds of body weight.
  • Or about 5 inches of the fresh plant for every five pounds up to three times per day.

Personally, I never recommend feeding anything but commercial rabbit pellets to your rabbit unless they have gone off feed and are sick. Rabbits can be very fussy and decide they only want to eat that one special thing. There is little to no protein in rosemary and that is not going to sustain your rabbit.

Feeding your rabbit the right food is very important for its health and overall well being.

Rosemary is a great treat because it contains many beneficial acids and vitamins, but it should be given in moderation. Too much rosemary can fill your rabbit up and prevent it from getting enough life-sustaining food.

rosemary in a pot

What If Your Rabbit Won’t Eat The Rosemary

If your rabbit doesn’t seem to be interested in rosemary and they are definitely sick try some other type of herb. Lavender is my next choice and then if you need a strong antibiotic try oregano. 

It’s totally normal for rabbits to reject certain flavors or smells that are foreign or too strong for them. I am also of the thought process that animals know what will heal them if they are sick. It’s kind of like when you get a craving or you are REALLY thirsty your body wants something because you are often deficient in something. 

Is Rosemary Safe For Rabbits

Not recommended for pregnant animals. It could cause a miscarriage.

Rosemary is safe for rabbits to have it on occasion, and much like humans, they are able to benefit from the nutritional value this herb provides. Rosemary contains vitamins such as Vitamin A, necessary for healthy eyes and a strong immune system; calcium, which helps build strong bones; and iron, which ensures good circulation of oxygen throughout the body. It is also rich in minerals such as manganese, magnesium, folate, and Vitamin B6.

rosemary for rabbits

Do Rabbits Like The Smell Of Rosemary

Unfortunately, this is impossible to tell without trying it out. Rosemary has a very strong flavor that may throw some rabbits for a loop, and they might simply reject it. Even if they do try it out of curiosity, this doesn’t guarantee that they’ll love it or keep eating it.

On the other hand, some bunny’s have been known to develop an affection for rosemary despite its bitter taste. If you give them a bit of fresh rosemary on occasion and see how they respond, there’s always the possibility that they could wind up liking it enough to eat more.

Keep an eye on their behaviors when presented with different types of herbs until you can determine what works best for them as individuals.

Where To Get Rosemary

I do not recommend using dried cooking herbs that you can get at the grocery store because they are dried at such a high heat they tend to lose their medicinal properties. They still hold the flavor but likely will not be a great help if you are looking to use the herb for emotional or medicinal help.

The bags from amazon are the best price however I know that buying a whole pound might seem a little much.

Starwest Botanicals Organic Rosemary Leaf Whole, 1 Pound Bag

This is my favorite brand to buy herbs from. With rabbits being so sensitive to things out of the ordinary I do think getting organic herbs is a good idea.

Get It Here On Amazon

You can find smaller amounts but they are not a whole lot different price-wise from buying all 16oz. If you keep it in a dry and dark place you can keep it for over a year.

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If you want to learn more about the other I use with the rabbits check out this post. – Herbs To Use For Common Issues Your Rabbitry

Using fresh herbs with my rabbits has always been my first choice but if you have to use dried they work well too. You normally have to feed more before seeing results. It is very hard to give a rabbit too much herb so don’t stress about it too much. 

Espeshaly if your rabbit is sick most rabbits don’t recover from illness anyway so whats the alternative? 

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