Feeling a little overwhelmed in your business at the moment? Most often it’s not the business side of things that has you down. It’s the feeling that content needs to be churned out 24/7, but I want to set your mind at ease before we get into the main reason you are here.

mug sitting on a coffee table with a planner and laptop

Choose How Many Pieces Of Content You Want To Put Out

Is it one large piece of content and 5 others across social? Do you want to hit 10 pieces of content a week, or maybe 25?

Here is why you need to set a content number goal… If you don’t set a number on the amount of content you are chasing a line that moves. You will never hit enough and you will NEVER feel like you have completed your goal for the time being.

If you are a person whose brain never shuts off you will be laying in bed trying to rest with a circus going off in your mind telling you all the ways you could create content and on what platforms. But that is not healthy my friend.

But first, let’s get a handle on where you want to post. I think if you manage well you can get a lot of places.

Dream Life Designer

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Where Do You Plan To Post

Create more, more, more… Post on all the social media platforms. Write a blog post, have a youtube channel and podcast… all the things. Your wheels will start to churn so fast your brain will explode 🤯

If you are a solopreneur you can’t do it all. You just can’t. I have tried and gotten so tired I was constantly creating but never selling or making offers. I wasn’t building a foundation of income. Which made me feel like I was doing all this work for nothing. (Which I was if we are being honest)

Choose Your Pillar Platform

This should be something like a blog, Youtube channel, or podcast. Something that will last longer than 24hrs and you have the ability to own.

Your social channels are not owned by you. The platform host is the one that owns your followers. While numbers on social look good. That’s all they do. They look good.

Choose one place to create that will live on and then we are going to work off of that to create more content.

laptop sitting on a table with a cup of tea

Choose Your Secondary Platform

Choose the platforms that you are most comfortable on. There will be a lot of people saying which is the platform to be on but the problem with that is if you don’t like it you are going to get tired and worn down if you are trying to use a platform you don’t like.

You are going to show up better if you are creating on a platform you are used to or enjoy more.

I am not a social person by nature so Instagram was REALLY hard for me to stay consistent on. Cold I do it? Yes. I built a social account to over 700 followers in less than a year and hit a wall. TWICE. I would feel tired and like my energy was gone for the day after being on it for ten minutes.

Here are your options when it comes to social platforms

  • Facebook Page
  • Facebook group
  • Instagram Account
  • Pinterest Account
  • TickTock
  • Snapchat
  • Parlor
  • Gab

All of these are great but do not try to do them all. If you are ambitious and you are just doing it to build an audience not worry too much about income building at the same time. Then do what floats your boat. But building two accounts tops is plenty.

laptop, french press coffee maker, and a cup of coffee

Create A System For Repurposing Your Content

I want to show you how to maximize your time and create a system that works for you.

This words system is thrown around the online space so much it will make your head spin. It is also made to sound more complicated than it really is.

A system simply put is the steps you take in which to do something.

To create a system all you have to do is start with one area of your business at a time. Figure out and make a list of all the things you do for that area. Then write down the steps you take for each of those tasks. Make each run as smoothly as possible.

Maybe you rearrange the order you do things if it could be running more efficiently. Maybe you tweak what you do so you can have a smoother flow.

That’s it. It’s not any more complicated than that.

How to repurpose content across your platforms both from blog and video content to social.

How To Repurpose Content Example System

The overall idea is that you will have one large piece of content and break it down and or repurpose it for other types of content.

If you are not comfortable being on camera then that’s ok. This first “big piece” or pillar piece of content could be a video, blog post, or podcast. Do whatever you can handle for your personality, audience, and niche.

Below is a very rough idea of what I mean about repurposing and breaking down the big piece of content into smaller pieces.

diagram showing how to repurpose content.

Repurposing is simply taking an article, video, or podcast and making it smaller for the different platforms. There is no limit to what you can do. Just get creative. Make it a game and see how much you can come up with.

  • If you have a podcast you can have your audio on record while doing your FB live and get both done at the same time without having to record twice. Or some will take videos and extract the audio and post it from a video to their podcast.
  • Use the blog post and convert it into a YouTube video script.

Same with images, take the same blog post and create images for each platform. The image for Twitter, Facebook Pinterest, Instagram etc… grab a snippet of text from the blog and schedule out all of those posts.

Tools To Help You Repurpose

Otter.ai – is a transcribing tool that does creat for videos and audio.

Tailwind – has this new tool called create and it is supposed to help you quickly design images that can be repurposed for Facebook, Pinterest, and any other platform.

Canva – is a great image creation tool that has a resize button in the pro account which is great to quickly resize a photo for multiple platforms. The free account is also great.

It’s ok to talk about the same thing on all platforms

Having the same topic across all your platforms will save you time and emotional stress. Not every person follows you on each social platform and the posts are not going to come out the same on each place.

You don’t leave the copy (text) the same, you tweak the wording so it fits the social platform but promotes the same pillar piece of content.

If you are only writing one post a week you can choose another post in your archives that supports the same idea as the new post or chose something that is totally different.

Let’s say you are breaking down a blog post and you broke out the key sections in the blog post for social media posts. THEN you also pulled a few tips to set up as publish quote graphics. You can choose to publish them all the same week to really drive home the topic you are covering. OR you can stager the content over the upcoming weeks to fill your social calenders for a few weeks at a time.

woman sitting on her bed with a laptop in front of her, phone in one hand, and coffee in another.

The key to remember is that there is no right answer to this. Choose what you like to do and leave the rest. we can feel pressured to publish on all platforms and like we are not creating enough. But you need to create what you can and let the rest be.

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