chickens in the yard

Knowing how to keep your outdoor animals cool in the summer on the farm can feel really difficult. There is only so much you can do and it is a fine line you have to walk with some animals.

We are able to make changes when we are feeling overheated. But what about our 4 legged critters around the farm? Here are some ideas to help you keep them cool during the hottest times of the year.

These tips will be helpful for most of the animals so don’t dismiss these ideas for your dogs or other indoor pets as well as cattle or other large animals. I realize if you have large herds this might be difficult but doing what you can, will help prevent the loss of livestock.

Let’s dive into some practical tips that will help you keep your farm animals cool and content all summer long.

how to keep your farm animals cool in the summer header image

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Why Keeping Animals Cool Matters

Before we get into the nitty-gritty, let’s talk about why this is so important. Overheating can lead to serious health issues for animals, including heat stroke, dehydration, and even death.

Not only does this impact their well-being, but it can also affect their productivity—whether that’s laying eggs, producing milk, or simply growing strong and healthy. So, ensuring they stay cool isn’t just an act of kindness; it’s essential for a thriving farm.

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Never Bring Them Into The Air Conditioned Space

It can be tempting to bring the smaller animals into your air-conditioned home but this is one of the worst things you can do. Animals live in the heat 24-7 and they are far more used to it than you and I are. So it feels worse to us than it does them.

When you bring them into a space that is drastically different from what they are used to you are taking away their main ability to stay cool. And that is heat tolerance. Just like many countries don’t have AC and they adjust to the heat so do the animals. Don’t shock their system by bringing them indoors.

Providing Adequate Shade

You may not have a lot of options depending on your property but if you have a choice think about where you keep their shelter where they will be spending most of their time. Whether it is in a barn, lean-to or pasture, try to position their living space in the shade as much as possible. Even if you can’t have the entire area in the shade try to have the shelter or some part of their enclosure in the shade.

Natural Shade

One of the simplest ways to keep your animals cool is by providing plenty of shade. Trees are fantastic natural shade providers. If you have a grove or even just a few large trees on your property, make sure your animals have access to these areas during the hottest parts of the day.

While I realize the image below the trees are not leafed out the rabbits have 85% share trees over the rabbitry.

rabbit hutches under trees

Trees are nature’s cooling system and I am blessed to have the space to have all of my rabbit herd under a canopy of trees for the most part since most of our property is wooded.

When I walk from one part of the yard to the area where they are I can feel the temperatures drop several degrees and it is far less humid. There is no way I could keep this herd alive in the heat of summer without having some kind of shade trees.

Man-Made Shelters

Don’t have enough natural shade? No worries! You can create man-made shelters using tarps, shade cloths, or even old sheets strung up between posts. These temporary structures can be moved as needed and offer significant relief from direct sunlight. It might not look that great but during the eat spikes its really important to keep the animals cool.

So with that said, if you can be choosy about where they are, take advantage of that and watch the movement of the sun throughout the day as well.

Always Give Access to Fresh Water

Hydration Stations

Just like us humans need our ice-cold lemonade in summer, animals need constant access to fresh water. Make sure water troughs are always filled and clean. Adding ice cubes can help keep the water cooler for longer periods if you have a smaller amount of animals where this is possible. 

Electrolyte Solutions

For those extra hot days, consider adding electrolyte solutions to their water. This helps replace vital nutrients lost through sweating (yes, some animals do sweat!) and keeps them hydrated more effectively.

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Adjusting Feeding Schedules

Did you know that digestion generates heat? Feeding your animals during the cooler parts of the day—early morning or late evening—can help minimize additional heat stress.

Plus, they’re likely to eat more when it’s not scorching hot outside anyway. While this is a great idea if life doesn’t allow for you to shift feeding times don’t stress to much.

graphic with 6 tips to keep your outdoor animals cool in the summer

Cooling Techniques

Sprinklers and Misters

Ever walked through one of those misting stations at an amusement park? Feels great, right? Your animals think so too! Setting up sprinklers or misters in shaded areas can provide a refreshing break from the heat.

You can keep a spray bottle in the fridge and bring it with you when you feed and give them a gentle mist of cool water. Don’t spray them roughly in the face or you may make them not like it.

Wetting Down Areas

Another simple trick is wetting down areas where your animals like to rest. The evaporation process will naturally cool the ground, making it a more comfortable spot for them to lie down. Just make sure that the area you wet down is not full of waste so it does not cause health issues and bacteria to grow. Water, poo, and hot temperatures can also cause as much harm as they do good.

Keep Your Animals Cool Fans

This is the next thing that will help you keep your animals cool. Whether it is a cattle fan, an old window box fan, or a personal-size fan you can use these with any animals.

At our old property, I had a rig that was borderline a death trap of spider-webbed cords going every which way about neck high that was held up with a few hooks and zip ties. But it helped keep the rabbits cool during the worst of months.

Frozen Bottles, Tiles, Or Wet Towels

This is mainly for the smaller livestock but there are so many different things you can stick in the freezer to help your animals out.

  • The most common is to fill bottles or jugs with water and freeze them.
  • Another neat thing you can do is freeze stone or ceramic floor tile and put them with the animals to lay on.
  • I have heard of people freezing the feed but unless it is all-grain you will run into the pelleted feed getting moist and getting mushy as it thaws and most animals won’t eat that. So if you just use sweet feed or scratch grain you would be fine.
french lop rabbit

Have A Body Of Water

This isn’t possible for everyone but cattle (and of course waterfowl) love to hang out in a pond during the heat of the day. So if you have a pond or creek you can give them access to that will be a big help.

If you have a small flock of birds then a Kiddy Pool or two will be greatly appreciated by your feathered friends. I water my large rabbits with big bowls so on occasion I will catch them soaking their ears in their bowls to stay cool.

Otherwise, if those are not options a mister is a great alternative. You might have to work with the animals to get used to the slight spray of water but once they realize it feels good they don’t fight it.

Consider Heat Tollarent Breeds If You Live In An Area That Gets Very Hot And Humid Summers

Heat Tolloranet Chickens

Are you looking for a chicken breed that can handle the heat? A number of breeds are known to be able to withstand warm temperatures and still lay eggs. Whether you live in an area with hot summers or just want a hardy bird, here is a list of heat tolerant chicken breeds.

  • The Orpington is one of the most popular chickens due to its calm nature and ability to tolerate extreme heat. This heavy-bodied bird has large feathers which act as insulation against high temperatures and its dark coloring helps it absorb less sun energy.
  • The Rhode Island Red is another great option, as this breed was made famous by its excellent egg laying abilities even during the summer months.
  • New Hampshire Red is well known for thriving in higher temperature environments than other breeds while remaining productive layers throughout the year.
  • Plymouth Rock
  • Leghorn
  • Easter Egger
  • Hamburg

Heat Tolerant Cattle

Having heat tolerant cattle breeds on your farm is a must if you live in an area with hot weather. Cattle are highly susceptible to heat stress and can suffer from dehydration, sunburn, and other illnesses if not acclimated to the environment. Here is a list of some of the best heat tolerant cattle breeds for farmers looking for animals that can tolerate higher temperatures:

  • Brahman cattle have been bred specifically for their ability to thrive in hot climates. They have thick coats that protect them from sunburn and other types of damage, as well as being able to tolerate extreme temperatures without issue. Additionally, they are known for their calm temperament and hardiness which makes them ideal for both inexperienced ranchers or those who’ve seen it all.
  • Simmental Cattle
  • Hereford
  • Highland
  • Charolais
  • Texas Longhorns are another breed popular among ranchers due its impressive adaptive abilities when it comes to climate.

Signs Your Animal Is Overheated

So how do we know if our critters are feeling a little on the warms side? If you have had animals for any length of time you will learn to read them well. It just comes with part of being an animal raiser. But here are some things to watch out for.

Signs That Rabbits Are Overheated

Excessive panting and laying on their sides is a clear sign they are getting warm. What many don’t know is their ears their cooling system and their thermometer. So when keeping an eye on your rabbits in the heat feel their ears to see how hot they really are. Sometimes they are panting heavily but their body temp is not as bad as it might seem.

how to spray a rabbits ears to keep them cool

You can also use a spray bottle and mist the tops of their ears (not in the ear canal) to help them cool down. If you raise a lop-eared rabbit breed you will likely find them dipping their ears in their water bowl on their own if you use bowls instead of bottles.

Related post: How to find the best outdoor cage for rabbits. 

Poultry: Chickens, Turkeys, Guineas, and Ducks

Poultry are particularly susceptible to heat stress. Make sure they have plenty of shaded areas and lots of cool water. Hanging frozen water bottles inside the coop can also lower temperatures significantly if you don’t let them out to free range.

Your chickens and other animals will let you know when they are feeling hot.

chicken in the grass keeping cool

The most common one other than the obvious heavy breathing is seeing them with their wings hanging loosely over their sides. This shows they are trying to let air through their wings. Normally they are held close to their body but if they are feeling warm they will hang loose.

Here are some more tips for keeping chickens cool in the summer heat.

Signs Goats and Sheep Are Over-Heated

Goats are hardy animals that can withstand a wide range of weather conditions. However, when the temperature rises too high, goats can become overheated and suffer from heat-related illnesses. It is important for goat owners to be able to identify signs that their goats may be becoming too hot in order to assist them in staying healthy and comfortable.

Sheep are not able to tollorate as much as goats so make sure to take extra consideration. If your lambs have a thick coat of wool on then stick a thermometer in the wool closer to the skin so you can get a true read on their heat level.

The first sign of overheated goats and sheep is usually panting or breathing heavily. This behavior occurs as the goat attempts to get some relief from the heat by increasing airflow around its body. Other signs of overheating include listlessness, reduced appetite, droopy ears, fatigue, excessive salivation and decreased milk production for lactating does.

Livestock: Cows, Goats, and Sheep

Larger livestock need ample space to move around and find cooler spots. Make sure their pastures have multiple shaded areas and that water troughs are easily accessible from different points in the field.

These species will vary a little but if your animals are breathing heavily through their mouth instead of their nose, accessive drool or slobber, or acting lethargic you know they are beginning to overheat. Going off feed or not eating as much as normal is also a good indicator that they are getting overheated and trying to stay cool.

Prevention is easier than having to save an animal from heatstroke. Pay attention to the weather (here is my favorite site to keep an eye on the weather) in your area and take propositions to be ready for it.

Personal Lessons from My Own Farm

While it can be tempting to stress about your animals panting a lot during the hot months oftentimes it looks worse than it really is. I remember the summer when I was helping my brother take is very pregnant BLACK french lop rabbit to check in for the fair. 

I thought Lexus was a goner. She was drooling more than I had ever seen a rabbit drool. We were all standing close together trying to shade her from the sun. I thought for sure she was going to go into shock on us but she did fine. 

Final Thoughts: Stay Vigilant!

Also, keep in mind that they live in the temperatures 24/7 and you don’t. So it feels worse to you because you are used to living in the air conditioning. They are far more used to it than you are.

quote about heat tolerance and keeping your outdoor animals cool in the summer

Remember: keep them shaded, hydrated, and cool with these simple yet effective strategies and they will be fine.

So go ahead—enjoy those warm sunny days knowing you’ve got everything under control back at the farm! And hey, don’t forget to take care of yourself too—after all, a happy farmer means happy animals.

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