how to organize your home header image

Learning how to organize your home can feel REALLY overwhelming. It’s not as simple as organizing a junk drawer or a shoe organizer. This is a big organization project and you can be tempted to go at it like one big project.

But that my friend is how you will get overwhelmed and even give up on the whole idea.

You can organize your home without highering professional organizers. You simply have to take it one step at a time and…. be patient.

how to organize your home intro image

I know…. not what you wanted to hear I’m sure.

But if you try to go too hard and fast at this big project you won’t do it as well as you would if you simply took your time with each room in your home.

Ok read to do this? Slow and steady wins the race.

I will get into more details of how to organize in a second but what you will notice is I don’t get into specific tools or tell you which system you should use. Because we are all different and you are going to have an organized home you can KEEP organized if you do it in a way that works for YOUR LIFE. Not how I tell you too.  

Knowing How To Organize Starts In Your Head

Some people start organizing by pulling out stuff from a closet that they no longer use. And that makes sense but organizing does not start there. It all starts in your head.

The biggest thing that causes us to feel unorganized is because we’re stressed.

There is so much stuff in the kitchen cabinets that things are falling out at you. Your shoe organizer is so full you can’t find your favorite pair of comfy work shoes causing you to be late for work.

We feel like there is so much going on that we can’t wrap our minds around it. Jumping right into the mess is not going to help you feel like you have control over the situation.

Before you start taking any physical action to organize you have to clear your head and create a plan.

I want you to get out a fresh crisp sheet of paper, YES a sheet of paper, your mind will clear itself when you handwrite whatever is floating around in your mind.

ACTION: I want you to write down every single thing that is in your mind I don’t care what it is put it on that sheet of paper.

a pad of paper with succulents to the right

It can be small things, big things, little tasks that you need to do, that kitchen drawer that has been driving you crazy, drawer dividers you want to buy.

Any little thing you have floating around in your head that you want to see organized needs to be written down.

Start With One Thing

Now we are going to prioritize this list so you have a clear plan of action to organize your home.

To get started you have to decide which thing on the list is the most important to you.

For me, if I was in your shoes I would choose something that is causing me the most stress. What area is your mind constantly thinking “I need to go to organize in this area?”

Is it your kitchen? A coffee table you’re not even sure what color it is because you haven’t seen the top in years. Or maybe its how you handle the junk mail and you want to create a system for stopping the mess from coming into your house first.

It doesn’t matter what it is you can literally organize anything but you have to start with small steps.

How to prioritize a to-organize list

Making a prioritized to-do list can help you stay organized and focused on the tasks that are most important. The key is to prioritize the list based on urgency and importance. Here are steps to create a prioritized to-do list:

1. Write down all of the organizational tasks that need to be done that day.

2. Assign a priority level to each task, from highest to lowest priority. — This will help you stay on track and ensure that the most important tasks are completed first.

3. As interruptions happen throughout the day, return to the list and complete tasks in order of importance. This will help you stay focused and avoid getting sidetracked by less important tasks.

4. Move unfinished tasks to the next day’s list. This will help you avoid forgetting important tasks and ensure that they are completed as soon as possible.

5. Review the list at the end of each day to ensure that all important tasks were completed. Make adjustments to the list as needed based on your progress and priorities.

note book on a table with chair for planning and a cup of coffee next to a candle

You Have To Start Small To Get Organized

If you are searching for things to help you learn about getting organized you are probably feeling overwhelmed.

You are looking at a huge list of to-dos. No matter what it is you are trying to organize whether it’s your desk, or your personal closet space, you have to start small.

Trying to tackle your whole house and organize it in a weekend it’s not going to happen no matter how good you are.

So be willing to start small and take small steps to make progress as you keep going.

If you struggle with clutter in general this post will help you with that. -> 10 Tips To A Clutter-Free Home – [Clear The Clutter For Good]

Be Careful Of Promised Fix All Systems

There are so many people out there that say they have the best system. The way that will make your life simple and easy.

The problem with that is they don’t know you. They don’t know how you think, your life, or your schedule.

It will be tempting to want to try all of the systems and tools that you come across. Then get upset with yourself when they don’t work for you.

If you can’t stick to a system it is often because it’s not working for your mind. Finding the right system to organize anything is going to take time. You’re going to have to find what works for you and what really feels good.

Be leery of a system that seems complicated. It may not be complicated to the person who created it but if it’s complicated to you, then you won’t do it.

Simple steps cause simple actions. Confusion causes inaction.

It’s hard to not take someone else’s system and try to “plug and play” them into our lives but that won’t get lasting results.

a simple rose on a clean counter with scissors

What To Do If You Don’t Know Where To Start In Your Chosen Room

After you decided what area or room you want to start organizing you need to understand what is causing you to stress about that one space.

What is it about that one thing you don’t like?

Let’s use your closet as an example. You get up in the morning to get dressed and you’re looking in your closet trying to decide what to wear, you don’t know where anything is, you’re tripping over shoes and it’s just a big mess.

Take a step back and look at the big picture. What is it about the closet that you hate the most? Is it that you just don’t put your clothes up every day? Maybe you are tripping over shoes and you need to line your shoes up along the wall or get a shoe rack.

What if you have too much… oh yeah… that might hurt for some…You might need to get rid of some things because the space that you have is just to small for the closet you have.

Or maybe you don’t have a lot of stuff in the closet you just don’t know where anything is. You need to come up with a system that works for you.

There are so many ways to organize your closet. Some people choose to do a capsule and others organize their clothes by color. But for me, I organize my clothes by what they are and what season we are in. And the clothes I wear the most get put in the front.

Understand what is causing you to stress in that specific area but also understand how you think.

No one’s mind works the same and our lives are not the same so we are not going to organize our life, house, or plan the same way everyone else does.

cup of coffee with a display of home decor in the background.

Put Your Organizing Days On Your Calendar

One of the most important steps in organizing your home is to block out the time you need on your calendar.

This means planning and scheduling how long you think each organizing project will take and being realistic about the time frame you give each area you want to organize.

If you are planning on organizing the living room over a week’s time then each day give yourself 2 hrs to work on a section of that room. Or 2 hours to go through the entire room to remove anything you don’t want to keep.

Also, be mindful of not over-committing yourself and creating unnecessary stress. Remember that organizing can take time and rushing through it might result in a less than desired outcome.

Be detailed with what you plan to accomplish in those time blocks.

When scheduling your projects, make sure to factor in unexpected situations that might prevent you from finishing the project. Buuuut also doesn’t allow excuses to get in the way and cause you to quit. If you catch yourself being distracted by something pull yourself back into what you should be doing.

I know distractions can be hard but you are an adult and you aren’t going to have people around to say “Come on now Janney, finish your room” and nor should that have to.

collation of pots for indoor plants.

Learn to make quick decisions

No him-Halling, what-ifs, or maybes.

When sorting through your possessions, it can be tempting to hold onto everything.

However, it’s important to learn how to make quick decisions about what to keep and what to toss.

One useful tool is the 80/20 rule: you likely use only 20% of your possessions 80% of the time. Use this as a guide to “edit” your possessions and keep only what you really need or love.

To make quick decisions, be honest with yourself about what you really need or love.

Don’t hold onto possessions out of guilt or nostalgia.

Instead, consider setting a one-year deadline to donate items in a “Donate Later” box. If you haven’t used or missed them in a year, donate them.

Other practical tips include being mindful of duplicates, and setting limits on sentimental items ( I have a for-keeps box and I can fill that box but if I want to add something to it and it doesn’t fit… well something has to come out.

Getting rid of broken or worn-out items.

This might be hard to do but try picturing yourself without that time. Do you feel sad that its gone or do you not even miss it?

Declutter Before You Organize

Before diving into organizing your home, you need to declutter first. This step can save you time and energy and makes it easier to organize a space.

Decluttering involves going through the items in that room and deciding what to keep, donate, or throw away.

If you simply go through and get rid of the extra stuff in a room you will start to see a massive change.

Decluttering has numerous benefits, including increased focus and creating a simpler space.

A simpler space can also lead to less stress and anxiety, as there are fewer distractions.

Set limits to what you can keep

One of the most important aspects of organizing your home effectively is setting limits. Meaning creating defined space limits (or a space budget) for each category of stuff in your home.

One way to do this is by using containers to divide spaces, so you know exactly how much room you have and how much you can keep. Kind of like I said earlier I have a “for keeps box” It’s the same idea.

This helps to prevent storing things indefinitely or piling up random items in another area of your home “just because” which leads to visual clutter.

For example, if you have a small kitchen with limited counter space, keeping only essential kitchen items and using containers to divide them into categories will prevent overcrowding and make it easier to find items when you need them.

Setting limits might feel restricting, but it actually creates a simpler space.

Give Everything A Home

Finding a home for everything you own is essential for a successful home organization session. It’s not just about getting rid of clutter, but also about creating designated spaces for everything you own.

This is important because it makes it easier to find things when you need them and put them away after use.

When organizing, grouping items appropriately is crucial. For instance, if you’re organizing your closet, grouping items by category, such as t-shirts, sweaters, and pants, makes it easier to keep things organized. Once you’ve grouped your items, give each item a clearly defined home.

Creating designated spaces also means easier access.

For example, you might have a designated spot for your keys, which means you won’t waste time searching for them every time you leave the house.

When everything in your home has a designated space, It won’t be so hard to keep a room picked up because you will know exactly where to put each item you see sitting out.

kitchen utensils

Put Things Close To Where They Are Most Often Used

Storing things where you typically use them is going to be the best way to keep the flow of your home operational. The kitchen is the most common place this is put into practice.

By keeping items near their point of use, you’ll save time and effort when you need to retrieve them and make it easier to put them away when you’re finished.

For example, if you have a coffee maker in your kitchen, it makes sense to store mugs, filters, and other supplies in a convenient location nearby.

  • Store kitchen utensils that can be used with heat right by the stove. Drinking cups close to the refrigerator.
  • Keeping a laundry hamper in your bedroom or bathroom will encourage you to toss dirty clothes into the hamper rather than letting them pile up on the floor.


Focusing on simplicity can also make a big difference in maintaining an organized home. Stick to the essentials and avoid accumulating unnecessary items. For instance, if you rarely use kitchen gadgets, you may not need to store them prominently in your kitchen.

Incorporating convenience and simplicity into your storage systems can help reduce clutter and make it easier to put things away.

Wait To Buy Containers and Organizers

One of the biggest mistakes people make when trying to get organized is running out to purchase storage containers before decluttering.

Once you’ve gotten rid of the excess, take inventory of what’s left. Do you have a lot of small items that can be grouped together in a bin? Maybe you have larger items that would work better on a shelf or in a cabinet. Whatever the case may be, avoid purchasing new storage containers until you know exactly what items you need to store and in what quantity.

By decluttering first, you’ll have a better idea of what storage solutions will work best for your space, saving you time and money in the long run. Remember, the goal is to create a simpler space that’s easy to maintain – and that starts with purging before purchasing.

wood container for organizing

Put Items Most Often Used In The Front

The key to organizing effectively is to arrange items according to how frequently they’re used. This technique involves storing items used daily at eye level or in plain sight to make them easily accessible.

To start, separate items used now and then from daily essentials.

Arrange them based on usefulness. This technique involves keeping frequently used items within easy reach and storing rarely used items in a less accessible location most likely those are going to be further back in the cabinet.

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Put Things Away Regularly

Learn to put things away every day all the time. This keeps you from having to even make time to clean up.

If you are cooking put things away as you go. If you are talking out of a room and you see something that can go in the direction you are going. Take it with you and put it away.

For many, keeping a tidy home can seem like an overwhelming task. But if you simply it and make it more of a daily routine instead of a big chore it won’t seem so overwhelming.

To make your organizing system even simpler, opt for containers that don’t have lids and are easy to open with just one hand.

Creating an easy-to-maintain space also help keep your home clutter-free.

By reducing the steps needed to put items away, you can make it more likely that your family will help with your organizational system as well.

Use dividers for each category of the items

Using dividers or containers in places like bathroom drawers where there may be a lot of small items rolling around can be an excellent way to keep your drawers organized.

Whether you have limited space or just want to simplify your space, drawer dividers are a must-have.

Things like cotton swabs, nail polish, makeup, and hair products could all have their own divider or container in a cabinet.

Pro Tip: be careful of organizers with angles. These can cause you to lose a lot of storage space if you have a small area and need to maximize it.

cup on a book

Organizing your home does not have to be overwhelming. Take it one step at a time and work on what is causing you the most stress. 

Having all the fancy shelf dividers, a command center, organizers, and tools is not necessary to get started. Use what you have on hand and be ok with that. If you make even the smallest amount of progress you will see a difference in your daily life because you have an organized home.

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