
The age-old question of how often should you be posting on social media is a hard thing for some people to figure out. The short and sweet answer is it’s up to your audience and what you can manage.

 If you only have one hour a day to work on your business it’s not feasible to expect yourself to post 3 times a day. Unless that is all you are doing to attract customers. But it is also up to your audience and what they want to see from you.

cellphone, dried apples,

On my rabbitry page, I only post 2 to 3 times a week. and in the winter months sometimes I only posted once a week. The more I post the engagement and reach seem to go down so I’m not going to force it. Try to get more content out expecting more engagement is just going to shoot myself in the foot. What I do may not work for you so you have to test out what works for your social media accounts.

You Might Be In A Slow Season

If you are in a slow social media be aware of that and be ok with posting less. Maybe your family is sick or you are working on a really big project that needs your attention. That’s ok. Take the time you need and pick it up when your busy season ends. 

Let’s look at some benefits to posting more often.

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More Posting = More Engagement

When you share updates more than once on each social media platform you have the potential to increase engagement exponentially. Post likes, hearts, image taps, or read more taps all count as engagement. Most people just look at what passes their feed and rarely go directly to an account page anymore. So you have to get in front of people a few times before the decision to invest energy into you and comment on a post. Even a pause or a scroll back tells the algorithms that they are interested in your content.

Increased Awareness

Even if people don’t click through to your post, they’ll see it in their feed. This causes their brain to develop a memory of you and what you do. Even when the audience doesn’t click, their brain remembers seeing the information that you’ve presented which will make them much more likely to click through the more times they see the update. 

So even if you are not getting the response you would like on a post it is worth posting anyway. Because people will remember you when they need what you have to offer.

cell phone on a note pad

You Get Infront Of New Eyeballs

The most you post the more Facebook will push your content out in front of new eyeballs. While it is important to stay in front of your current audience you should also be reaching new people. 

More Creative

Every time you share a social media update you want it to look slightly different. You can do that by changing up the intro text, changing the image, adding emojis and so much more. 

More Stats

When you post more often you are going to be able to get more analytics and be able to evaluate what content your audience wants to see. 

The more you post the more information you’ll be able to get it. But if you’re only posting 1 to 3 times a week it’s going to take you a lot longer to understand what your audience likes.

tablet of someone figuring out how often to post on social media

Sharing social media updates often might seem like a huge chore. But if you are serious about reaching your audience and business growth it will be worth the effort. How often should you post on social media is relative to you and your audience. Start with what you can comfortably manage and increase from there. 

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