Giveaways – Contributors Page
Next Collaboration Planned: Date Will Be Decided Jan 2025
The date will be decided During My Annual Planning Day at the end of Dec 2024
How you get email subscribers:
For bundles focused on email list growth where everyone contributes a free gift you will have a signup form from your email service provider liked to the main page that we will send guests too. People can choose to sign up for the free gifts they want and skip the ones they don’t need.
Required Of YOu?
- The first collaboration would be a free PDF guide or some digital download they can get for signing up for your list.
- The item you choose to contribute needs to be something you could charge for. Ideally a $9 value and up.
- You would need to provide a plan mockup of your contribution 600×600 pixels with at transparent background.
- A photo of you or your brand logo also 600 x600 pixels to help the attendees to recognize who is contributing to the product.
- Three bullet points about what the gift will do for them. (example: You will learn____ so that….)
- And a link to where they can get their free gift. – Ideally an auto delivery from your ESP.
Your Promotion Requirements
Emails: Send at least 2 emails to your list during the promo period and once during the Doors open week.
Social: Share once during the promo period and once during the doors open period in the social platform that you are most active on. If you have multiple audiences choose the audience that would find it the most valuable.
Keep in mind this type of audience is very practical and down-to-earth. They don’t want to take time for a long morning routine but something to help them chill when life is stressful will be more likely to get a conversion.