Understanding the true french lop size is very important when thinking about getting one as a pet! French lop rabbits are a big breed, which means they not only need more space but that also means they are strong and you need to be ready for that. I’ve seen so many people over the past 15 years of my raising french lops come and be super passive with them and they end up with an out-of-control rabbit.
When you have one of these pet rabbits they need you to be strong and confident. While you don’t want to be aggressive you also don’t be passive. Rabbits are naturally cautious and solo animals and if they don’t see you as confident. They will try and push you away to preserve resources.
You also need to be strong enough to hold them and move them around as they get bitter. If they feel like they are going to be dropped they could start thrashing and kicking. So them sitting next to you and being petted is going to be the best option for kids who can’t pick them up.
I don’t say all of this to scare you I simply say this to help you get a realistic view of what its like having such a large rabbt.
ARBA Breed Standard Size For Sr Bucks (Adult Male Rabbits)
The ARBA, which stands for the American Rabbit Breeders Association, has breed standards for each breed and in that standard is how big adult male french lop rabbits, called senior bucks, should be.
For senior bucks, they usually weigh about 12.5 pounds. BUT they MUST weigh at least 11 pounds to measure up to the French Lop breed standard. Because if they don’t they will be disqualified from a show.
Obviously, if you are not showing this doesn’t matter but it does make you question if the rabbit is pureblood if they are more than a pound or so below the breed minimum.
When you look at a senior buck, you should notice that they have a rounded head, shorter stocky legs, and strong shoulders. Their ears should be 1.5 inches below the jawline as an adult.
ARBA Breed Standard Size For Sr Does (Adult Female Rabbits)
When we look to compare, the French Lop does need to weigh at least 11.5 pounds, but the bucks only need to weigh 11 pounds. This means the girl rabbits of this breed are a little heavier than the boys. However their bone structure can be slightly more feminine than the bucks.
What Is The ARBA Breed Standard
The ARBA, which stands for the American Rabbit Breeders Association, helps us understand what makes a rabbit special. They have something called a breed standard. This is like a list that tells us how rabbits should look overall.
For example, it talks about their body shape, fur colors, and how they should stand and move. This helps everyone know what to look for in different types of rabbits.
Having these standards means that breeders can make decisions based on these guidelines and choose breeding animals that measure up to these standards for the betterment of the breed.
ARBA French Lop Weight Classes
French lops take a while to get to their full-grown size.
There are three age groups and weight classes to help know what ballpark they can or should be in size-wise based on their age.
- Jr rabbits (Under 6 Months Of Age) Should weigh a minimum of 5.5 pounds before showing but not over 11 pounds (that is EXTREMELY RARE to be that large.)
- Intermediate Bucks (that are between 6 and 8 months of age) should not be over 12 pounds.
- Intermediate Does (that are between 6 and 8 months of age) should not be over 12.5 pounds.
- Senior Bucks (8 months of age and over) weigh 11 pounds and up.
- Senior Does (8 months of age and over) weigh 11.5 pounds and up.
But here is the thing to know. French lops can grow up to 12 months and even 14 months old. While they are considered sr rabbits at 8 months they are not even close to being fully filled out. So give them time to reach maturity.
Especially if you are showing I would not take a Sr. rabbit until they are at least 12 months to show so they have a better chance to compete.
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French Lop Size Comparison To Every Day Things
Let’s take another look at some everyday objects to further illustrate just how big French Lops can get:
Gallon of Milk: An average gallon of milk weighs about 8.6 pounds (3.9 kg). A fully grown French Lop will be noticeably heavier than this household staple.
A Small Dog: Think about a small dog breed like a Dachshund or a Pomeranian; these dogs usually weigh between 10-15 pounds (4.5-6.8 kg), which is quite comparable to an adult French Lop. HOWEVER the body mass
is still more than these dogs. Their body mass is closer to that of a 20-pound dog.
A Laptop Bag Full of Books: Remember those heavy bags from school days? A laptop bag filled with books can easily weigh around 10-12 pounds (4.5-5.4 kg), similar to our fluffy friends.
French Lop Size In Inches
French Lop Rabbits are an average of 24-30 inches from nose to foot if they lay stretched out. They are about 12 inches wide when sitting or lying down. And sit about 15-18 inches tall.
French lops are lazy so a pen or cage needs to be 30×40 inches or so and you will be all set. You don’t have to let them free roam your house or your yard. That is a myth. In fact I would not encourage it because of how much can harm them if they ingest even the smallest amount of string from fabrics around your home or treated material.
French lops are probably one of the best domestic rabbits out there if you are looking for a calm pet. Just remember they have very strong hind legs which are their weapons of defense and they will use them anytime they feel scared or threatened. They need you to be a confident leader so they don’t feel like they will be dropped or unprotected.
Looking To Get A French Lop Rabbit?
Check out our rabbitry and see if we have any available or get on the email list below to stay up to date.
I’ve been raising french lops since 2009 and do my best to raise rabbits that meet the ARBA standard and work to make sure they have good temperaments that make great pets.